Where did you get your mat?

As a yoga instructor, often your mat is your biggest asset. I usually have 4 or 5 rolling around in the trunk of my car and I have my faves too. One for heat, one for indoors, one for travel. You get the picture. So I have found my new favourite and I would love to share that with you. I made a little trip down to Etobicoke and visited the vibrant and fun Shay at The Goods By Shay. I was so blown away by her little boutique shop that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not only does she design yoga mats (she can custom design yours too!) but she specializes in unique designs and wallpaper as well. Quite the selection and just a magical place to plan and create a space. Check her out online or pop into her place to see the space firsthand. Review of the mat now that I have used it? 10/10. Beautiful micro-suede top and natural non slip rubber bottom. So comfy for a restorative practice yet sturdy for all the warriors and downward dogs you can muster. Follow her on Instagram for some fun posts and energetic IG lives!

The Yoga Mat Decision

The trial run – success!

Nightfall Blossom Mat